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Reorganizing and Decluttering

The end of a semester is always a bittersweet time. Many of us don’t know what the future holds and how to move forward with a lot of decisions right now. But there is something we can all do whether or not you are moving to a different location at the end of this semester. In preparation for whatever comes next, I have started the process of reorganizing my belongings. I have found that in the midst of so much uncertainty it is stressful to feel like we don’t have control over a lot of things right now. Despite the uncertainty, reevaluating my own belongings is something attainable that allows me to have a sense of certainty in what still brings me joy and what I am ready to let go of.

The benefits of taking a moment to look over what we own is not only stress relieving, but it is a very healthy way to reflect on where we are at in life. Decluttering doesn’t necessarily mean giving your things away (although this can certainly be a part of it), it’s a chance to take a moment and appreciate what you have and what you really need. Knowing what you own and keeping it in a way that makes sense to you is important. When I have things all over the place and I don’t know where anything is it definitely starts to manifest and clutters my mind. If you want to try and reorganize or declutter your space but don’t know how to start, I’d like to offer the first stepping stones.

The first thing I do is avoid taking everything on at once. Most of us have a lot more belongings than we think. I typically start with designated areas and tackle them one at a time: the bathroom, my clothes, the kitchen, my desk, etc. From there, I will take everything out that I have in that designated area so that it is out in the open. This will feel overwhelming but remember to be patient with yourself. If you have been putting off throwing away that empty bottle of toothpaste, now is the time. Designate a trash pile, a keep pile and a giveaway pile. Pay attention to how you feel with all your belongings. Think about what you actually use. If an item is bringing you stress just by seeing it, it’s time to let it go. If an item makes you happy, keep it. Ask yourself why you feel the way you do when you see your belongings, trust yourself, and make your decisions based off that trust. Find a way to reorganize your items so you can see everything. I can almost guarantee that if you can’t see it you will forget about it. If you haven’t used an item in over 6 months, I think it’s time to reevaluate if it’s something you truly need taking up your space. I always have a box designated to things I will be donating. Although we will have to wait to donate items, I’d still rather see it be reused then end up in a landfill.

Be mindful throughout the process and take time with it. You might be surprised by how much better you feel after the process. There are so many things weighing us down right now and we might not realize that some of those things are within our own space. Taking some time to reorganize and declutter can help lighten that load. Now have fun, be patient with yourself, and get to it!

- Rachel L., RA

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