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  • UHS Staff

How to Stay Well

When the world is in panic and normality is unattainable, it is only natural for us to invest our time away from work and school into researching what is actually going on globally. During this time of mass anxiety, with everyone developing greater worry day by day, it is critical to not only care for your body but your mind as well.

You’ve heard it all, to wash your hands and practice social distancing, but while you’re at home, it’s integral to focus on maintaining structure and organization within our lives as well. It is important to be aware of what experts say and what you should do for your physical health, however, it is just as important to focus on yourself and your well-being. In MedicalNewsToday’s article, “How to look after your mental health during a pandemic,” Dr. Kluge, the WHO’s Europe regional director says, “It is absolutely natural for each of us to feel stress, anxiety, fear, and loneliness during this time… we consider our mental health [and] psychological well-being as being very important consequences of COVID-19.” You’re not alone in feeling these confusing emotions of uncertainty and fear. To cope with this and a complete lifestyle change, experts also emphasize to “schedule in eating regular nutritious meals,[…] exercise, mak[ing] time to connect with others,’ and maintain[ing] good sleep hygiene.”As well as, creating “a physical space that is for work only,” to separate your work and personal life. It can be confusing and overwhelming to have to do both in the same space and having separate areas for them helps you relax when doing non-work related things.

Dr. Kluge “shared a few personal strategies for coping with stress and anxiety: ‘[...] what has worked for me in the past when I want to be calm — for example, learning and practicing simple relaxation techniques, like breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, mindfulness, [and] meditation, [which] can all be very helpful in alleviating mental distress.’” This recommendation can be accessible to you through mental health apps, online tutorials or books intended to maintain a balanced state of mind of being aware yet not panicking or feeling the worlds’ weight on your shoulders. This confusing time calls for measures of focusing on self-care and organizing your day to be calm and as least overwhelmed and as possible.

- Lily P.

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